We have a proven track record anticipating market trends to create award-winning solutions in governance, leadership & investment for investors, companies and other organizations



We draw upon our extensive experience in shareholder activism, investor stewardship and engagement to provide strategic advice to our clients with actionable insight that focus on outcomes.

Our proprietary BlindSpot Analytics solution scans company market data to uncover critical diversity, sustainability and other ESG gaps that present risks and opportunities for long term investors. We evaluate those risk and opportunities and work with clients to close the gaps.


As recognized leaders in governance, diversity, sustainability and other ESG topics, we leverage our expertise to develop solutions and products that provide strategic and actionable insight for clients.

We develop ESG investment methodologies for investment indices or portfolio construction and create innovative, time-saving and customizable screening, benchmarking and engagement solutions for companies and investors focused on diversity, sustainability and other ESG topics.

Discover our award-winning Gender Diversity Exchange app that tracks and benchmarks the progress of 3,900 publicly traded companies on Gender Diversity in leadership in 27 countries 38 industries around the world.

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Sharing ideas and knowledge from different perspectives can help tackle some of the critical and strategic issues investors and companies face in in governance, leadership and investment. We have a long track record of engaging investors, companies, board directors and other stakeholders and also partner with leading organizations on diversity, sustainability and other ESG topics.

Our investor-director dialogue series on board diversity, climate change and board climate competency in North America and Europe are recognized for their innovative approach and original content that produce actionable insight and tangible results.